Elina Keckman


Arvausinstituutti (in Finnish)

Catcholector on, let’s catch and collect! Special Collectors from the Guessing Institute (Arvausinstituutti) are hard at work – they have been given the task of storing up crumbs of imagination.

The ever-so-zealous Special Collectors  have developed the Catcholector, a special machine that catches and collects bits and pieces of nonsense. Its extra-sensitive tubes detect all plots, twists and turns that somebody comes to think of.

The Guessing Institute, or the Unpredictably Prestigious yet Boisterous Presentation of all Stories and Tales Untold is a dance theatre performance by two artists. The show involves a lot of improvisation and interaction with children and makes us think about the importance of imagination.

Johanna Keinänen & Kaisa Niemi (16.11.),
Johanna Keinänen & Johannes Purovaara (19.11., 20.11.)

Director: Jyrki Karttunen
Scenography: Mirkka Nyrhinen
Sound design: Tatu Vanhatalo
Production: Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth

Premiere at the Kuopio Dance Festival on 14 June, 2024.

Kaksi viiksekästä, lippahattuista agenttia vainuttimet käsissään.
Kuva: Elina Keckman

Ticket prices

16 € child, adult, pensioner, unemployed
10 € theatre professional
10 € group ticket (per child), day cares and schools, morning performances
5 € teacher ticket (with group)

Assistant seating available free of charge. We are a Disability Card service provider.

Group tickets are available through Hurjaruuth’s customer service by phone or by email.


Hurjaruuth Stage (Tallberginkatu 1 A, 2nd floor) is located at the Cable Factory, a well-known cultural centre. Read more about how to get there.

Services and accessibility

Coatroom: In the corridor between Hurjaruuth’s foyer and the stage there is a free self-service coatroom. NB! Our theatre is not responsible for any items or clothes left in the coatroom.

Toilet facilities: Next to the coatroom there is an accessible toilet with childcare facilities and other unisex toilets.

More on accessibility: There are wheelchair spaces in front of the seating area (2 slots). We do not have an induction loop. Assistant seating available free of charge. We are a Disability Card service provider. Read more about accessibility at the Cable Factory

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service!

Buy tickets




About 40 min


16 € / children’s groups 10 € per ticket


Hurjaruuth Stage, Cable Factory

Suggested age



Language of the performance is Finnish.
Unnumbered seating.

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November 2024