Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth

Dance and contemporary circus for children and adults at the Cable Factory

Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth specialises in producing dance and contemporary circus performances for children and families. We are a medium-sized government-supported theatre located at the Cable Factory in Helsinki. Our goal is to be a trailblazer at the forefront of performing arts while operating actively in Helsinki as well as nationally and internationally.

Hurjaruuth is an actively networking, curious and transparent theatre with a clear and unique vision. Every year we invite a large group of Finnish and international professionals from the fields of dance and circus to join our artistic team. A sense of community and experiences that span generations are key to our performance events – our shows are enjoyed by people of all ages, from children in daycare to corporate groups.

Our theatre is over 40 years old and has been in operation since 1981. We have been awarded The Children’s Culture State Award as well as the national Sirkuksen Lumo Award among other titles.

We produce one to three new performances annually: On our own stage at the Cable Factory we make dance performances for children. The largest contemporary circus performance in Finland, the Winter Circus, takes place every year on the Erkko Hall of Dance House Helsinki.

Our programme also features current guest performances from both Finnish and international groups. The Hurjaruuth stage is home to our annual Clown festival. We also have an active audience outreach programme.

Outside of the capital region we tour both nationally and internationally. Annually the number of performances comes to around 140, reaching 40000 audience members each year. We employ around 130 professionals from the fields of dance, theatre and circus every year. We also support freelance artists by offering work space residencies and mentoring as well as rehearsal spaces at a reasonable price.

Our operations are overseen by Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuthin Kannatus ry.

Four pigs standing or sitting on the stairs.
The beloved Pigs from Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth’s Winter Circuses went to collect The Children’s Culture State Award.


Board of Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuthin Kannatus ry

Iiro Heikkilä (Chair)
Aina Bergroth
Talvikki Eerola
Sari Lakso
Kaisa Lange
Pekka Piippo
Antti Pylkkänen
Riikka Rauhala

Get to know our staff

Here at Hurjaruuth we employ around 130 professionals annually from the fields of dance, circus and theatre, most of them freelancers. Here you can find the contact details of our staff that keeps our everyday operations running.

Jyrki Karttunen

Director General

050 586 6388

Sinna Salmi

Managing Director

044 788 7010

Miia Pajarinen

Executive Producer

044 788 7011

Pauliina Aladin

Audience Outreach Worker

045 7750 2411

Elina Keckman

Head of Communications and Marketing

044 788 7012

Anna Talassalo

Head of Customer Service, Circus School Coordinator

(09) 565 7250 / 045 773 13122

Pauliina  Sutinen

Head of Costume Department

050 433 3433

Jouni Ihalainen

Stage Manager

045 7750 2412

Katri Kinnunen

Lighting Manager

045 7750 2413

Tatu Vanhatalo

Sound Manager

044 788 7013

Circus teachers

Celso de la Molina
Celso de la Molina

Circus Teacher

Sirkusopettaja kirjava silinterihattu päässä ja punainen tirehtööritakki yllään
Karoliina Nordin

Circus Teacher

Haidi Sadonkorpi rengastrapetsilla
Haidi Sadonkorpi

Circus Teacher